Package ref

To use this module just use the main function at the top of your code.


def ref(*args) ‑> None


Basic usage

__ref__() # no need to import anything

Additional options

  • _ProtectFiles

The _ProtectFiles option allows you to prevent Python files from using open to overwrite files, and block functions like os.remove from deleting files.

To use, replace the setup with:


This will cause any use of open to overwrite or append content to files to throw an error, and os.remove,os.unlink, and a few others are deleted.

  • _ProtectDirs

The _ProtectDirs option protects against the deletion of directories.

To use, replace the setup with:

  • _LockPerms

This will prevent use of chmod in that Python file.

To use, replace the setup with:

  • _Silent

This will replace any removed function with a dummy function.

To use, replace the setup with:


That way, you won't get an error when trying to use os.system("echo "doing something that harms your system..."") but nothing will happen

Expand source code
def ref(*args) -> None:
    # Usage

    ## Basic usage

    __ref__() # no need to import anything

    ## Additional options

    - _ProtectFiles

    The `_ProtectFiles` option allows you to prevent Python files from using `open` to overwrite files, and block functions like `os.remove` from deleting files.

    To use, replace the setup with:


    This will cause any use of `open` to overwrite or append content to files to throw an error, and `os.remove`,`os.unlink`, and a few others are deleted.

    - _ProtectDirs

    The `_ProtectDirs` option protects against the deletion of directories.

    To use, replace the setup with:


    - _LockPerms

    This will prevent use of chmod in that Python file.

    To use, replace the setup with:


    - _Silent

    This will replace any removed function with a dummy function.

    To use, replace the setup with:


    That way, you won't get an error when trying to use `os.system("echo \"doing something that harms your system...\"")` but nothing will happen

    global __protectfiles, __restrict, __silent
    protectfiles, protectdirs, lockperms, silent = map(lambda x: x in args, range(4))
    __protectfiles, __silent = protectfiles, silent
    if protectfiles:
        __restrict["os"].extend(["remove", "unlink", "rename", "replace"])
    if protectdirs:
        __restrict["os"].extend(["rmdir", "removedirs", "rename", "replace"])
        __restrict["shutil"].extend(["rmtree", "move"])
    if lockperms:
    __modules['__main__'].__builtins__.__dict__['__import__'] = __import
    __modules['__main__'].__builtins__.__dict__['open'] = __open